“Most enter adulthood with some sense of who they want to be and what they want to accomplish. With a glimmer of insight as a guide, we each set off on our own course through life, toward our own exciting goals. From simple to complex, from mundane to glamorous, different paths - no matter to what end – start similarly and grow differently through daily struggle.”
“Cardinal Points” is an installation of four artworks representing those whose lives began close to mine as a child and the distances separating us now, decades later, after each went in his own direction. Part exploration of where choices led me, part inquiry into connections to those I’m related to – “Cardinal Points” is comprised of portraits of my siblings and me.
The pieces in the installation combine various media to represent the physical and metaphysical. Acrylic paintings, video footage taken on visits, text, found materials, and multiple techniques are used to create artworks depicting their likeness but more so embodying their character.
A realist balancing home and career, a spiritualist conflicted by contemporary society and ethical values, a dreamer hovering between innocence and maturity, and an artist immersed in the process of creation and striving for recognition – the personas so very special to me are that which are also relatable to others in themselves.

Perpetual Stillnes
Video projection, acrylic on plywood
80”x 88.5”, 2012-2013

Mother Earth
Video projection, acrylic and clay soil on plywood
80"x 120", 2014


Window to Flatbush

